[日本からアメリカに届いた郵便物がひどい状態に。現地の郵便局に問い合わせてみると…。 コロナ過で増加…
As travel rebounds, airlines offer perks like a $10,000 signing bonus to draw new employees
Airlines are racing to hire workers as they anticipate more travelers returning to the skies, and some are offering incentives to try to draw new employees. In Chicago alone, United Airlines is offering a $10,000 signing bonus to new part-time ramp age…
東洋エンジ、グリーン水素実用化へ人工光合成実証 ()
‘The Batman’ review: Darkness and loathing in Gotham City
Unrelentingly and unnecessarily bleak, “The Batman” is the darkest, heaviest big screen Batman yet, the result of years of fan demand that the Dark Knight’s brooding match the weight of our world. Well, here it is, and it’s no fun whatsoever. That’s by…
10 Things You Didn’t Know about Entrepreneur John Karony
Can an army be marshaled towards philanthropic aims? At least one entrepreneur thinks so. John Karony is the CEO of SafeMoon, provider of the SafeMoon cryptocurrency token and protocol. SafeMoon was founded in March of 2021 and quickly grew to a become…
コロナ入国制限緩和スタート 観光以外、上限5千人に (共同通信)
人影がまばらな成田空港国際線の到着ロビー。政府は新型コロナの水際対策を3月1日から緩和した=2月25日 政府は1日、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大による入国制限を緩和した。1日当たりの入国者数の上限を3500人から5千人に引き上げ、原則禁止だった外国人の新規入国をビジネス関係者や技能実習生など観……
ロンドン株式市場=反落、ロシアからの事業撤退でBP下落 (ロイター)
[28日 ロイター] – 週明けのロンドン株式市場は反落して取 引を終えた。西側諸国による厳しい対ロシア追加制裁が相場を圧迫した 。 石油大手のBPは4.0%下落。ロシアによるウクライナ侵 攻を受けて、保有するロシアの石油大手ロスネフチの株式20%弱を全 て売却し、ロシアからの事業撤退を決めたこ……
UN climate report: country impacts
From cities and small islands threatened by rising seas, to regions facing extreme drought and deadly heatwaves, climate change threatens every part of the planet, the UN warned on Monday. Here are 10 key climate change threats and how they will hit va…
No Russian ‘muscle movements’ after Putin’s nuclear readiness alert, U.S. says
By Phil Stewart and Idrees Ali WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States still hasn’t seen any “muscle movements” following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s weekend announcement that he was putting his nuclear forces on high alert, a senior U.S. defen…
Stocks fall, ruble dives as Russia sanctions hit world markets
By Herbert Lash and Dhara Ranasinghe NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) -The Russian ruble hit record lows on Monday while world stocks slid and oil prices jumped after the West ramped up sanctions against Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine, including blocking…