James Webb 太空望遠鏡完成第一階段的關鍵鏡片對齊測試

一小段時間沒有消息的 James Webb 太空望遠鏡,這段時間以來都在進行全部 18 個子鏡片的微調,將它們個別反射的影像先是聚集到了一點,再透過倆倆鏡片之間的「相位差」以及一大堆高深的數字運算,解出應該如何調整鏡片間的相對高度,來消除疊合的殘影,使影像更加銳利。…

学生にはiPad AirよりiPad Proのほうがおすすめできる理由

先日のApple発表会にてiPad Air 第5世代が発表されました。3月中の発表・発売ということもあり新生活に向けてiPadを買いたいと思っている人にとってはいい選択肢であるiPad Air 第5世代ですが、ちょっと待って下さい。…

「極上の使い心地」と「大人の持ち物」としての品格を追求した「SONY WF-1000XM4対応レザーケース」

完全ワイヤレス型イヤホンとして、業界最高クラスとの呼び声が高いSONY WF-1000XM4。 しかし、そのアクセサリーの選択肢の少なさたるや…。 私たちGRAMAS(グラマス)は、純正ケース未発売という流れの中で、安心してお買い求めいただける"国内メーカー製アクセサリー"を充実化すべく、旧モデル(WF-1000XM3)に引き続き、再びクラウドファンディングに挑戦いたします。 外装には、マットでエレガントな質感のPUレザー"Shrink(シュリンク)"を採用。…

‘Hogwarts Legacy’ will hit Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC this holiday season

Hogwarts Legacy will arrive on PC, Switch, PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles in holiday 2022. Hogwarts Legacy was announced in late 2020 and it was originally due to come out in 2021, but was later delayed to 2022. The “holiday” timeframe is one step closer to an actual release date.

And that’s not all — during today’s State of Play livestream dedicated to the open-world RPG, WB Games Avalanche dropped a trailer offering the first real look at how this sucker will look and play.

Hogwarts Legacy is a spinoff of the Harry Potter universe, but it takes place long before the events of the books. It’s set in the 1800s, and places players in their fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where they’ll learn spells, brew potions, grow magical plants, tame wild beasts and attend classes. Players have a unique ability to manipulate ancient magic, and with that, they hold the key to saving the wizarding world from dark forces. 

As familiar as that sounds, this is a game filled with original storylines and Harry Potter author JK Rowling (She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named) isn’t directly involved in its development. Hogwarts Legacy features fresh professors, students, villains, mentors and creatures, plus some familiar ghosts. Players will be able to fly on broomsticks, gain friends who will join them on quests and upgrade their abilities based on how they like to play. It’s not all contained to Hogwarts, either — the shops at Hogsmeade are also available to explore.

Meghan Markle readies podcast after meetings with Spotify on misinformation policies

The podcast deal Prince Harry and Meghan Markle signed with Spotify is finally close to bearing (significant) fruit. As The Vergereports, Markle is releasing a podcast series on Spotify this summer through the couple’s Archewell Audio production company. Details weren’t available, but the show is premiering after Harry and Meghan were “encouraged” by discussions over Spotify’s efforts to fight misinformation. The news is a “result of those meetings,” Archewell said.

Harry and Meghan haven’t been thrilled with Spotify’s approach so far. The duo said they had been expressing concerns about misinformation since April 2021. Their worries became all the more pressing when Neil Young, Brené Brown and other creatives began pulling or withholding content from Spotify in protest over the company’s seeming tolerance of COVID-19 misinformation from Joe Rogan’s podcast. Archewell spokesperson Toya Holness said the company was partnering with Spotify to develop “policies, practices, and strategies” to curb misinformation and improve transparency.

The news may be welcome for Spotify. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle struck their podcast deal with Spotify in December 2020, but haven’t produced anything apart from a holiday special. Markle’s podcast series could both help Spotify recoup some of its investment and address concerns it was fighting its own podcast partners.

The challenge, of course, is persuading other Spotify-exclusive podcast hosts and networks to follow suit. Spotify has signed a number of high-profile exclusives, but not all of them have been successful — filmmaker Ava DuVernay exited her first-look deal just a year after announcing it. Markle’s podcast may show that some creators are willing to stick around, but there are no guarantees others will be quite so confident.

Impostor poses as Ukraine’s Prime Minister in video call with UK defense secretary

The British defense secretary has ordered an inquiry into a video call he received on Thursday from an imposter pretending to be Denys Shmyhal, Ukraine’s prime minister. In a series of tweets, the Right Honorable Ben Wallace disclosed that the man aske…


