The four pillars

THE GAME OF MY LIFE – Bill Velasco – The Philippine Star January 24, 2022 | 12:00am There are four major government agencies involved with the conduct, funding and regulation of sports in the Philippines. Each has its own responsibilities, areas of con…

Medalists to get money back plus incentives

Joey Villar – The Philippine Star January 24, 2022 | 12:00am MANILA, Philippines — National sports associations that will shoulder their own trip to the Hanoi Southeast Asian Games set May 12-23 will get their money back if they could bring home a meda…

Magsayo wins world crown

Joaquin Henson – The Philippine Star January 24, 2022 | 12:00am Dream comes true for Boholano pugMANILA, Philippines — It’s what he’d dreamed of since turning pro in 2013 and now, Mark Magsayo is the new WBC featherweight champion. He scored a majority…

沖縄・名護市長選 自公系・渡具知氏再選 辺野古移設、追い風 (毎日新聞)

渡具知武豊氏 米軍普天間飛行場(沖縄県宜野湾市)の県内移設工事が進む辺野古がある名護市の市長選が23日投開票され、移設を進める政府・与党が支援した現職の渡具知武豊(とぐちたけとよ)氏(60)=自民、公明推薦=が、移設に反対する玉城(たまき)デニー知事ら「オール沖縄」勢力が推した新人で……

沖縄・名護市長選 実績に信任、協調継続 辺野古に「沈黙」、現職再選 (毎日新聞)


Uyghurs in Turkey urge boycott of Beijing Winter Games

Dozens of people from China’s Uyghur Muslim ethnic group protested in Istanbul on Sunday, calling for a boycott of next month’s Winter Olympics in Beijing over China’s treatment of the minority. The protesters gathered outside the city’s Turkish Olympi…