The composite can store energy as a supercapacitor. The researchers’ vision is to build electric cars with a body in the material – which is lighter than aluminum.
Supercapacitors store energy in an electric field, which is charged much faster than a battery.
Researchers at the University of Central Florida, together with Nasa, have developed a material that combines carbon fiber with nanoscale graphene sheets. The composite should function as a supercapacitor, and in theory be able to be included in a car body. It writes the Next Web.
The material is even lighter than aluminum, and according to the researchers has the potential to give electric cars up to 25 percent longer range.
The body can be used for efficient braking force recovery, and deliver the extra energy required to fell 0-100 km / h in just over three seconds.
Despite its low weight, the material is said to have a good enough strength and flexibility to withstand a collision, while at the same time being neither flammable nor toxic.
The researchers have put a panel on a toy car, which has been able to keep rolling on the stored energy. However, further development and testing are required before the material can reach commercial use.
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