
from Karsten Scholz
According to the operators of the Ronin payment service, the online game Axie Infinity was hacked. The hackers are said to have stolen $600 million worth of cryptocurrencies.

We had in our big Special about crypto gaming, NFTs and blockchain games already shown that a blockchain or games that rely on blockchain technology are not as secure as many advocates of this technology like to promise. A recent hacker attack shows how serious this mistake can be for players.

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Assault on Axie Infinity

According to the operators of the payment service Ronin, the said attack happened recently (via the standard) on the online game Axe Infinity. The hackers involved are said to have stolen $600 million worth of cryptocurrency, namely 173,600 units of the cryptocurrency Ether, along with $25.5 million worth of stablecoin.

The post Hacker steals $600 million from blockchain game appeared first on Gamingsym.