『ヘブンバーンズレッド』公式番組「ヘブバン情報局 Vol.12」で4月8日より開催予定の新イベント「スコ… (Social Game Info)
Wright Flyer StudiosとKeyは、3月31日、『ヘブンバーンズレッド』において、公式YouTubeチャンネルにて公式番組「ヘブバン情報局 Vol.12」を放送した。本稿では、番組内で発表された新情報をレポートとしてお届けしていく。 なお、本日より開催されているイベントやガチャ、アップデート内容に関して……
ASUS ZenBook laptops are up to $250 off at Amazon today only
If you’re looking for a new Windows laptop, you may find what you need in Amazon’s one-day ASUS sale. Today, the online retailer has a number of ASUS laptops on sale, with some up to $250 off. Likely best for most people are the ASUS ZenBook 13 OLED and the ZenBook 13 Flip OLED, which are down to $650 and $745, respectively. You can also grab the ZenBook Duo 14, a dual-screen laptop that earned a score of 84 from us, for $906, which is $194 less than usual.
Shop ASUS sale on AmazonBuy ZenBook 13 OLED at Amazon – $650Buy ZenBook 13 Flip OLED at Amazon – $745Buy ZenBook Duo 14 at Amazon – $906
If you go for the standard ASUS ZenBook 13, you’re getting an AMD Ryzen 7 5700U processor, 8GB of RAM and 512GB of storage, along with a 13.3-inch 1080p OLED display. The Flip version shares the same display, RAM and storage, but runs on an 11th-gen Core i5 processor. While we didn’t review these exact models, we did put the ZenBook Flip S through its paces and gave it a score of 84 for its sleek design, powerful performance and lovely OLED display.
The main difference between the Flip S and the Flip on sale today is that the former runs on a Core i7 processor and has a 4K OLED panel. Otherwise, you’ll get a similarly premium Windows experience from both machines. Also, both the standard ZenBook and the Flip have ASUS’ unique and convenient NumberPad 2.0, which is combined with the trackpad and illuminates only when you need it.
As for the ZenBook Duo, it’s best for those who want something a bit different in their next laptop. Its main screen is a 14-inch 1080p touch panel and it also includes a 12.6-inch matte touchscreen that sits above the keyboard and lifts up slightly when you open the laptop. That’s one of the new features ASUS built in to this second-gen laptop that makes it easier to use and more viable as your daily driver. The latest ZenBook Duo also has better dual-screen software and much improved build quality than the previous version. The keyboard and trackpad area are still a bit cramped for our liking, but if you’re going to invest in a dual-screen notebook, this is one of the few solid options available right now.
Follow @EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice.
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東京都は31日、都内の新型コロナウイルスの新規感染者のうち、オミクロン株の系統の中でも感染力が強いとされる「BA・2」の疑いと判定された割合が52・3%まで上昇したと発表した。都内の新規感染者は今週に入って増加傾向に転じており、専門家はBA・2の拡大が一因とみている。 居酒屋「柚柚」「桜坂」……
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