Zoom Video Earnings Preview: Buy or Sell the Results?

By Bret Kenwell Zoom Video stock will be in focus after the close on Monday when the company reports earnings. Here are the levels to know now. The situation in growth stocks has been harrowing lately. In the case of Zoom Video (ZM) – Get Zoom Video Co…

Young Ukrainian who fled Kyiv returns to join the war

By Aleksandar Vasovic KYIV (Reuters) – When Russia invaded Ukraine last week, Max Karmazin said he and his friends fled Kyiv to the relative safety of the west of the country. The Ukrainian has since changed his mind, and, after spending Sunday night w…

ロ核部隊の動き見られずと米高官 米欧の核抑止力に自信 (中日新聞)

ウクライナとの停戦交渉に臨むロシアの代表団=28日、ベラルーシ南東部(タス=共同) 【ワシントン共同】米国防総省高官は28日、記者団に、ロシアのプーチン大統領による核部隊の戦闘警戒態勢命令に関し、ロシア側に特筆すべき具体的な動きは確認できていないとした上で、米欧側の核抑止力に自信を示……