ショルツ首相「兵器の現代化に 1千億ユーロを投じる 国防費がGDP2%以上に」 ドイツの議員たちが27日(現地時間)、オラフ・ショルツ首相が「ロシアに対抗して軍備を増強する」と明らかにしたことに対し、起立して拍手を送っている=ベルリン/AP・聯合ニュース ロシアのウクライナ侵攻は、第2次世界大戦……
Ukraine official says talks with Russia were difficult
LVIV (Reuters) – A member of the Ukrainian delegation at ceasefire talks with Russia on Monday said the negotiations were difficult and the Russian side was biased. “The Russian side, unfortunately, still has a very biased view of the destructive proce…
Suggestions for a city I love
It is not easy and indeed a very delicate issue to try to give suggestions to a city that is not mine in a country that is not mine. The risk is to be told “Who do you think you are?” or “How dare you? What do you know about a reality that is not yours…
Deglobalization: The call to ‘Buy Local’
There is another development being felt by the whole world is deglobalization. As global supply chains get disrupted due to many factors – among them unpredictable shipping schedules, lack of workers due to lockdowns, delayed deliveries of goods, etc. …
Western companies head for the exit in Russia as sanctions tighten
By Ron Bousso, Dmitry Zhdannikov, Carolyn Cohn and Saeed Azhar (Reuters) – Energy giant BP, global bank HSBC and the world’s biggest aircraft leasing firm AerCap joined a growing list of companies looking to exit Russia on Monday, as Western sanctions …
Western companies head for the exit in Russia as sanctions tighten
By Ron Bousso, Dmitry Zhdannikov, Carolyn Cohn and Saeed Azhar (Reuters) – Energy giant BP, global bank HSBC and the world’s biggest aircraft leasing firm AerCap joined a growing list of companies looking to exit Russia on Monday, as Western sanctions …
A ‘mad, mad, mad, mad’ judiciary
Many policemen moonlight as bouncers in nightclubs and bars, or drive taxicabs or become personal transport providers (e.g., Grab) in their off-duty hours. That’s perfectly all right as they’re making an honest living to augment their income. Other cop…
Working for women’s work
One of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is that, metaphorically speaking, the world has moved backwards in time at least in so far as the prospects for women’s equality are concerned. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has estimated that the pandemic m…
There is something quite eerie about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is eerie beyond the obvious injustice of a big power assaulting a sovereign state and attempting to dislodge a democratically installed government. I thought about it for a while …
La Scala de Milán prescinde del director de orquesta Gergiev por no condenar la invasión de Rusia en Ucrania
El Teatro de la Scala de Milán prescinde del director de orquesta ruso Valery Gergiev después de que este no haya respondido a una carta enviada por autoridades de la ciudad italiana para que condenase la invasión de Rusia en Ucrania. “No ha respondido…