Public infrastructure helps communities stay strong and healthy. Investments in modern and efficient community infrastructure create jobs, grow the economy, and help reduce Canada’s emissions. Today, the Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Ec…
He is a fat thief! Man accuses Portable and his crew of allegedly raiding his house and carting away valuables
A guy has called out Habeeb Okikiola aka Portable, claiming that the musician and members of his crew stormed his property in Ogun state in a case of wrong house. The homeowner took a video of his home after the singer’s thugs ransacked it and left it …
Don’t Go Boycotting Russian Vodka Until You’re Sure It’s From Russia
By Kirk Miller The backlash to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is hitting your liquor store. But calls to boycott Russian-made or owned vodka brands isn’t going to have much effect. As CNN reports, officials in Ohio, Utah and New Hampshire have asked liqu…
Why Is Your Dad’s Favorite Soap Company Investing in Psychedelics?
By Tanner Garrity So you, or someone you know (probably your old man) swears by Dr. Bronner’s Soap. It’s got that old world feel: a P.T. Barnum label, a peppermint scent, a tingly feel. It’s “manly,” but elegant. And it’s multi-use. According to the pa…
Applications now being accepted for Youth Employment and Skills Program
February 28, 2022 – Ottawa, Ontario – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Engaging youth in agriculture with meaningful work opportunities is critical to the development of Canada’s next generation of farmers. Today, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-F…
Ukraine asks for suspension of foreign currency cash to Russia and Belarus
KYIV (Reuters) – The Ukrainian central bank said on Monday it had asked European central banks and the fast money transfer system Western Union to stop the supply of foreign currency notes to Russia and Belarus in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine. “…
FIFA and UEFA suspend Russia from all competitions until further notice
(Reuters) – FIFA and UEFA have suspended Russia’s national and club teams from all competitions until further notice due to the country’s invasion of Ukraine, the bodies said in a joint statement on Monday. “Football is in full solidarity with all the …
What will Sonny Perdue do if he becomes Georgia system’s chancellor?
ATLANTA — The Georgia Board of Regents may vote as soon as Tuesday to make former Republican Gov. Sonny Perdue the new chancellor of the state’s vast University System. So what would Perdue’s priorities be as chancellor? Higher education experts, frien…
シェル、サハリン2などロシアとのエネルギー合弁解消へ (
シェルはロシアのガスプロムや関連企業との合弁事業を解消する。これには液化天然ガス(LNG)プロジェクトのサハリン2も含まれ、シェルは27.5%の持ち分を手放す。 英BPも27日、ロスネフチの持ち株処分に向けて動き、評価損を計上することになると明らかにした。 原題:Shell to Exit Equity Partnersh……
【精神科医が教える】 時間を楽しく過ごすためのたった1つの考え方 (ダイヤモンド・オンライン)
感動小説『精神科医Tomyが教える 心の荷物の手放し方』の著者が、voicy「精神科医Tomy きょうのひとこと」から、とっておきのアドバイス。心がスッと軽くなる“言葉の精神安定剤”で気分はスッキリ、今日がラクになる! イラスト:カツヤマケイコ 歳をとって1年が早く感じるようになったら きょうのひ……