Duke vs. North Carolina Ticket Prices Expected To Make History
By Hunter Hodies The ticket prices for Duke-North Carolina this Saturday are expected to be insane. In fact, the game is trending towards being the highest-selling game between the two teams in StubHub history. The average price for a ticket right now …
FIFAとUEFA、ロシアの出場を禁止 (共同通信)
Neil Diamond’s entire catalog, including 110 unreleased songs, acquired by Universal Music Group
It’s a sweet deal for Neil Diamond. Universal Music Group reached an agreement with the prolific “Sweet Caroline” singer-songwriter to acquire the rights to his entire song catalog and handle Diamond’s future releases, the company announced Monday. Uni…
英シェル、「サハリン2」撤退へ ガスプロム合弁解消 (日本経済新聞)
Damian Lillard Trade Rumors Swirling Ahead Of This Summer
By Alek Arend There is growing speculation the Boston Celtics are going to make a run after Portland Trail Blazers star Damian Lillard this summer. An anonymous NBA executive told Heavy.com that Brad Stevens is a big fan of Lillard. And given the Celti…
[ワシントン 28日 ロイター] – 米ホワイトハウス報道官は28日、ロシアが核戦力を含む核抑止部隊…
Olympics-IOC recommends banning Russian, Belarusian athletes from international events
By Manasi Pathak (Reuters) -The International Olympic Committee’s executive board has recommended sports federations to ban Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials from competing in events following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The IOC said the …
核戦争回避「被爆国に責務」 (デイリースポーツ)
ロシアのプーチン大統領が核兵器使用の可能性に言及したことに、秋葉忠利前広島市長は「絶対に使わせちゃいけない。被爆国日本は核の被害を世界に発信し、使用を思いとどまらせる責任がある」と訴える。 プーチン氏は2月27日、核兵器運用部隊を高い警戒態勢に置くよう命令。国際社会の批判が高まった。……
ドイツ株28日 反落 エネルギーコスト高懸念が重荷 (日本経済新聞)