El Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) de México experimentó durante 2021 un crecimiento del 5% con respecto al año anterior, según estimaciones preliminares del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (Inegi) publicadas este lunes. La estimación del I…
Utah Jazz Reportedly Get Crushing Injury News
By Zach Koons A difficult month for the Utah Jazz grew worse on Monday when the team learned that veteran Joe Ingles suffered a season-ending injury over the weekend. According to ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski, Ingles sustained a torn ACL in his left knee …
Hoda Kotb & Joel Schiffman Showed No Signs Of Trouble In Paradise Ahead Of Shocking Split, Couple Of 8 Years Seen Smiling & Laughing Over Christmas
Hoda Kotb’s split from her longtime partner, Joel Schiffman, has come as a shock to just about everyone. The 57-year-old Today show host announced the unexpected news at the top of the fourth hour of Monday’s program after her co-host, Jenna Bush Hager…
デンカ、電磁波シールド複合材、EV関連に照準 ()
ドイツ検察、ドイツ銀資産運用部門のブアマンCEOを調査-関係者 (Bloomberg.co.jp)
ブアマン氏と投資家の関係、不当な影響及ぼしていないかが焦点 調査は初期段階、正式な調査の対象かどうかは明らかでない ドイツ銀行の資産運用部門DWSグループで最高経営責任者(CEO)を務めるアソカ・ブアマン氏について、ある投資家との関係をドイツの検察当局などが調査している。この実業家はドイ……
外出制限再延長を米軍申し入れ 玉城知事「現段階での解除に不安」
Sex offender had sexual contact with horse, possessed child porn, officials say
A previously convicted New Jersey sex offender has been arrested again after authorities said he had videos of himself performing sex acts on a horse and child pornography. Mitchell B. Richtman, 31, was caught after the National Center for Missing and …
U.S. sanctions Myanmar officials to mark 1 year since military coup
The United States on Monday announced more sanctions on Myanmar officials and entities with ties to the military regime, marking the one-year anniversary of the Feb. 1 coup that has led to unrest and violence in the Southeast Asian country. The sanctio…