

Lyft will soon add a temporary fuel surcharge to rides. The company will give the fees to drivers to offset the cost of gas, which has increased sharply following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The company hasn't revealed how much the surcharge will cost users per ride, how long the measure will likely be in place or whether rides in electric vehicles will be affected.

"We’ve been closely monitoring rising gas prices and their impact on our driver community," Lyft senior communications manager CJ Macklin told Engadget in a statement. "Driver earnings overall remain elevated compared to last year, but given the rapid rise in gas prices we’ll be asking riders to pay a temporary fuel surcharge, all of which will go to drivers. We’ll share more details shortly."

The addition of a surcharge follows a similar move by Uber. Starting this Wednesday, customers who take an Uber ride will pay a fuel surcharge of between 45 cents and 55 cents. Uber Eats deliveries will cost between 35 cents and 45 cents more too. Uber says it will reevaluate the fee after 60 days and, as with Lyft, all of the surcharge fees will go to drivers and couriers.