
Friends who drive gas cars, my heart is going to hurt again. Domestic oil prices ushered in seven consecutive rises.

According to CCTV Finance,According to the National Development and Reform Commission, a new round of refined oil price adjustment window will open at 24:00 today (March 31).

According to the monitoring by the Price Monitoring Center of the National Development and Reform Commission, international oil prices fluctuated and rose during this round of refined oil price adjustment cycle (March 17-March 30). On average, London Brent and New York WTI oil prices rose 1.4% from the previous price adjustment cycle. Affected by this, the domestic retail prices of gasoline and diesel have been raised.

The details of this oil price adjustment are as follows: the domestic gasoline and diesel prices have both increased by 110 yuan per ton. National average:

No. 92 gasoline increased by 0.09 yuan per liter;

No. 95 gasoline increased by 0.09 yuan per liter;

No. 0 diesel will be increased by 0.09 yuan per liter.

According to the estimated capacity of the 50L fuel tank of a general household car, filling a tank of No. 92 gasoline will cost an extra 4.5 yuan.

Since the beginning of this year, oil prices have experienced seven consecutive rises.

Netizens commented:

Passing by the gas station, I smelled it and asked me for 50 oceans

The word “full” is a luxury

Continue to raise prices, really can’t afford to drive

Seriously, ride an electric car, be steady, and not get stuck in traffic

There’s a gallon of fuel left in the tank, and I’ve switched to cycling to work

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Zhaohuiarticle error correction

Hashtags: auto oil prices

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