Samsung 被指暗地裡限制手機效能,延長續航力

外媒報導指 Samsung Galaxy 手機會暗地裡對近一萬個的 app 施加效能限制,用以節省用電,並美其名為「遊戲優化服務」(GOS)。然而名單上卻不乏遊戲之外的名字,像是 Netflix、TikTok 和 Microsoft Office 等。…





US Surgeon General orders tech companies to reveal sources of COVID-19 misinformation

President Biden’s Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has formally called on tech companies to provide information on sources and the scale of COVID-19 misinformation, The Washington Post has reported. “This is about protecting the nation’s health,” he told The Post in a written statement. “Technology companies now have the opportunity to be open and transparent with the American people about the misinformation on their platforms.” 

Murthy’s request pertains to social networks, search engines, crowdsourced platforms, e-commerce and instant messaging companies. To start with, he wants data and analysis on typical vaccine misinformation already identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That includes falsities like “the ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous” and “COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips.”

The administration seeks to learn how many users have been exposed to such misinformation, and which demographic groups may have been disproportionally affected. On top of that, it’s looking for data about the major sources of COVID-19 misinformation, including individuals or businesses that sell unapproved COVID-19 products or services. Tech companies have until May 2nd to comply, though they won’t be penalized if they don’t.

Last summer, Murthy called health misinformation an “urgent threat to public health” that tech platforms needed to address, adding that “health misinformation has already caused significant harm.” 

The request is part of the White House’s COVID National Preparedness Plan announced yesterday, designed to achieve “minimal disruption” by COVID-19. The administration also asked health providers to submit statements on how coronavirus misinformation has hurt patients and communities. “We’re asking anyone with relevant insights — from original research and data sets to personal stories that speak to the role of misinformation in public health — to share them with us.”

Razer、2段式アクチュエーターを備えたゲーミングキーボードHuntsman Mini Analog海外発表

ゲーミング機器のRazerが、60%のコンパクトゲーミングキーボードHuntsman miniにアナログオプティカルスイッチを搭載した「Huntsman mini Analog」を海外発表しました。

無線LANルーターのおすすめ5選。今ならWi-Fi 6対応がベスト。新生活に備えてルーターも新しく!

春といえば引っ越しのシーズンです。これを機に、自宅の通信環境を見直すという人も少なくないでしょう。最新規格の「Wi-Fi 6」に対応した無線LANルーターを検討してみるのはどうでしょうか。…