《死亡回歸》將在 3 月 22 日推出大型更新,加入雙人合作模式

今天 SIE 的 State of Play 新作發表節目中雖然沒有出現重磅級的消息,但就為大家帶來了一點小驚喜,《死亡回歸》(Returnal)宣布預定於 3 月 22 日推出免費的大型改版《蛻昇》(Ascension),為遊戲新增雙人合作模式以及提供一個生存遊戲模式。…

Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra 評測:真有這樣的需要嗎?

Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra 有著碩大的 14.6 吋巨屏尺寸、可比高階筆電的定價,直接跨界挑戰別個品項,企圖越過原本還有的一線。到底這是否一件好事呢?實際效果又是如何呢?這邊就讓小編跟大家分享一下體驗吧。…

Apple’s 5K Studio Display should support Windows, including the webcam and speakers

Apple’s new 27-inch 5K Studio Display — including its 12-megapixel webcam and fancy speakers — should work just fine with Windows PCs, Apple has told The Verge. However, certain features enabled by the monitor’s built-in A13 Bionic processor will only function on Macs, Apple said.

There was never much doubt that the display itself would function on a PC, but the resolution may depend on your PC configuration. In effect, you’ll need a graphics card with compatible Thunderbolt or USB-C ports and support for 5K or higher resolution (most modern GPUs have these features).

The status of the webcam was not very clear, though. According to Apple’s Studio Display web page, “camera features and firmware updates require a connection to a Mac.” However, an Apple spokesperson confirmed to The Verge that the camera should work like a normal USB webcam when plugged into a PC. 

One “camera feature” that won’t work on a PC though, is Center Stage. On a Mac, that feature uses digital zoom to keep the subject or subjects in the frame, even if they move around. Other features enabled by the A13 chip, like Spatial Audio and “Hey Siri,” are also unavailable on Windows computers, the spokesperson said. 

At $1,600, the Studio display is pretty expensive for a 27-inch display, especially if you get it with the ridiculously overpriced height adjustment bracket. On the plus side, it does look nice and and the 12-megapixel webcam and high-end speakers add a lot of value. If that’s not important, you could get a 32-inch 4K display with similar specs for far less money.


ロシアのウクライナ侵攻が続くなか、任天堂も「最近の世界情勢」を考慮したとしてSwitch用の『ファミコンウォーズ アドバンス 1+2 リブートキャンプ』の発売を延期すると発表しました。

Xbox Series Sとエリコン2セット、Amazonにて在庫復活。税込5万2756円

日本のAmazonにて、マイクロソフトのゲーム機『Xbox Series S + Xbox Elite ワイヤレス コントローラー シリーズ 2セット』の在庫が復活(もちろんAmazon直接の販売です)。

10万円以下でも性能十分! 新入学や新入社にぴったりなノートパソコンが最大22%オフのセール中


Sony、Sennheiser 耳機特賣,六折入手 WH-XB910N

疫情期間外出的機會大大減少,再加上近期新聞上甚少出現好消息,很可能會對心理造成大大小小負擔。不論是聽音樂還是看電影,都可以有效地舒緩一下壓抑的情緒,配合上一款效能不俗的耳機,即可讓你短暫地脫離一下現實。現在 Amazon 上 Sony 以及 Sennheiser 都正推出特賣,多款耳機 6 折起發售,可以趁這個機會入手。…