For the first time, live sports are coming to Apple TV+. Apple announced today during its Peek Performance event that it will carry Friday Night Baseball. Once Major League Baseball and the MLB Players Association agree to a new collective bargaining agreement, Apple will stream two games per week that will only be available on the company’s streaming platform. The weekly doubleheader will be available in eight countries and you won’t have to worry about local blackouts.
In the US, Apple will also stream MLB Big Inning, a live show featuring highlights from regular season games. US fans, in addition to their Canadian counterparts, will also have access to a 24/7 livestream featuring game replays, news, analysis and more. For a limited time, Apple said Friday Night Baseball would be available through Apple TV+ without the need for a subscription.
Rumors that Apple was bidding on a baseball package came out in January. By that point, the League had been in a lockout since the start of December, but it didn’t seem like it would cancel any games. That was then. Now, it’s unclear if there will even be a 2022 season.
Catch up on all of the news from Apple’s Peek Performance event right here!