《要塞英雄》玩家為援助烏克蘭募集了 1.44 億美元。
可攜式螢幕規格要怎選?附最新優惠 2022
Engadget 中文版以下為大家整理幾個大家在選購可攜式螢幕時,在價格、用途上要注意的元素。
Jack Dorsey 後悔自己促成了中心化網路
Jack Dorsey 後悔自己促成了中心化網路,他創立的 Twitter 也對資訊經濟造成了不可忽視的影響。
Apple 上線 iOS、macOS 更新修補了兩個零日漏洞
Apple 上線 iOS、macOS 更新修補了兩個零日漏洞,其中 iOS 15.4.1 還解決了一個耗電問題。
《歐比王肯諾比》延後至 5 月 27 日上線 Disney+,但首播會連出兩集
《歐比王肯諾比》延後至 5 月 27 日上線 Disney+,但首播會連出兩集。
微軟今年的純線上 Build 開發者大會將於 5 月 24 日登場
自從疫情爆發以來,微軟年度的 Build 開發者大會已經連續兩年在線上舉辦,而今年也依然還是無法恢復線下活動,Build 2022 將繼續以線上的型式開展,日期由 5 月 24 日至 26 日。
《薩爾達傳說:曠野之息》續作延期至 2023 年春季發售
任天堂宣佈《薩爾達傳說:曠野之息》續作延期至 2023 年春季發售,要晚一點才能探索海拉魯的天空了。
DC Universe Infinite is finally available outside of the US
After being converted from a streaming video service into a portal for comic books last year, DC Universe Infinite is finally rolling out to regions outside of the US this spring and summer.
Today, DC Comics announced that the service is now available in Canada, with support for Australia and New Zealand arriving later this week on March 29th. After that, the UK will get access on April 28th, followed by availability in Brazil and Mexico sometime later this summer.
DC Comics says subscribers in other countries will have the same access to the service’s library of more than 25,000 comics books as those in the US, including early access to new Digital First comics such as Suicide Squad: King Shark and others. And just like in the US, new editions of printed comics will be added to the service six months after first going on sale in retail stores.
Meanwhile, to sweeten the deal, DC Comics is introducing discounted pricing for anyone who signs up during the first 30 days of DC Universe Inifinite’s launch in their country, with customers able to keep that
reduced pricing for as long as they maintain a paid subscription. So while prices vary a bit by region, you’ll generally be looking at savings of around 30 to 35 percent if you take advantage of DC’s introductory pricing.
At launch, an annual subscription to DC Universe Infinite will cost just $59.99 CAD, $64.99 AUD, $64.99 NZD or £36.99 BPS for the next 30 days, before jumping up to its regular price of $89.99 CAD, $99.99 AUD & $99.99 NZD or £54.99 per year. Alternatively, if you prefer to pay month by month, you can do that too with prices starting at $9.99 CAD, $9.99 AUD, $9.99 NZD or £6.99 BPS.
Engadget Update EP134:世界備份日,你的備份備份了嗎?
本週四 3 月 31 日就是世界備份日,希望能喚醒大家對數據備份的重要性,而且更要身體力行的做。今天 Engadget Update 就為大家分享一下備份時要注意的事情,也來說說忘記備份的慘痛故事…
能繞開限制讓俄國用戶使用 Apple Pay、Google Pay 的 Mir 卡也被封了
能繞開限制讓俄國用戶使用 Apple Pay、Google Pay 的 Mir 卡也被封了,Mir 卡是俄羅斯中央銀行在 2014 年克里米亞危機後,為應對制裁推出的支付系統。