歌いたい曲がカラオケ配信されてない!! という状況になったことはありませんか??私はよくあります。特に、私のようにゲームの曲をよく聴く人は顕著でしょうね。 長年苦しませ続けられていましたが、いつの間にやらJOYSOUND […]
2020 Brandcast Delivered: A NewFront Just for You
People are streaming more than ever before. But one thing remains consistent: When they’re looking for something personally relevant to them, they turn to YouTube. Whether it’s celebrating this year’s graduating class with the likes of President and Mr…
Ever wonder how YouTube works?
YouTube has always been a place where people come to be informed, inspired, and delighted. Over the past few months, as our daily lives have changed in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we’ve seen people turning to YouTube more than ever…
Go to adventure, arts, sports or STEM camp with #CampYouTube
Parents and caretakers, We know this isn’t the easiest time for you. You’re juggling work, life, kids and the state of the world today. The struggle is real. Honestly, there’s an 11-year-old child, asking for my help, as I type this. That’s why we’re h…
【基礎から学ぶ電子回路】 トランジスタの動作原理
今回は、「トランジスタの動作原理」についての説明です。 トランジスタ トランジスタとは、信号を増幅する機能と回路をON/OFFできるスイッチング機能を兼ね備えた半導体素子です。トランジスタはダイオードのようにn型半導体と […]
Introducing YouTube BrandConnect, a platform for Creators and Brands to collaborate
Every day, people come to YouTube to connect with their favorite creators, and in the process, they discover new products they love. In turn, this creates a valuable opportunity for brands to reach new audiences on YouTube and partner with creators to …
[org.hibernate:hibernate-validator] Privilege Escalation in Hibernate Validator
In Hibernate Validator 5.2.x before 5.2.5 final, 5.3.x, and 5.4.x, it was found that when the security manager’s reflective permissions, which allows it to access the private members of the class, are granted to Hibernate Validator, a potential privile…
Bear Witness, Take Action
Over the past few weeks, we have mourned the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade — and the other known and unknown victims of racial terror and violence. These killings occurred against the backdrop of a global pandemic…
【基礎から学ぶ電子回路】 ダイオードの動作原理
今回は、「ダイオードの動作原理」についての説明です。 ダイオードとは? 一般的なダイオードとは、n型半導体とp型半導体を接合したものです。n型半導体とp型半導体を接合することをpn接合と呼び、一般的にはダイオードと言った […]