Viewers Sign Up to Stream Big Events, and Then Cancel

By Dan Weil When streaming services launch hot content, they garner new subscribers. But many new viewers exit within a few months. If you’re someone who signs up for streaming services to see a big movie or TV show and then cancels the service after w…

Viral Wordle Game Bought by New York Times

By Veronika Bondarenko The newspaper paid “in the low seven figures” for the popular word puzzle game. Going from obscurity to a household name in weeks, the popular word puzzle game has now been snapped up by the New York Times (NYT) – Get New York Ti…

T-Mobile Requires Workers to Get Vaccinated by April 2

By Dan Weil ‘Data show that vaccines offer our best chance of preventing illness and death from Covid-19,’ T-Mobile said in an e-mail to workers. Telecommunications giant T-Mobile US (TMUS) – Get T-Mobile US, Inc. Report is joining the ranks of compani…