Whatever You’re Doing in the Market is Probably Wrong

By Eric Reed It’s hard not to follow the crowd, but it’s worth trying. Sorry, everyone, but Real Money Columnist Paul Price has a bit of tough love headed your way. “The little guy,” he wrote recently, “is almost always wrong. When they yank money out …

Tesla’s Elon Musk Wants to Be Loved

By Luc Olinga The billionaire is a divisive personality and his multiple controversies do not help matters. Geniuses are unloved. During their lifetime they are decried, often condemned to gemonies by their peers. They divide just as much as their work…

The Case Against Parking Your Money in Uber or Lyft

By Eric Reed Despite the hype, shares of both ride-sharing companies have proved disappointing. When Uber (UBER) – Get Uber Technologies, Inc. Report invented the idea of for-profit ridesharing they arguably changed an industry forever. Lyft (LYFT) – G…

There May Be Profits Hiding Under Your Bathroom Sink

By Eric Reed You may not know who made the countertops in your home, but there’s a good chance it was this company. Just because you haven’t heard of a company doesn’t mean it’s not a good investment. In fact, it may be a better one for that reason. Re…