Even though Fox News is more of an entertainment outlet than a real source of news, actual journalists do work at Fox News. Sure, you don’t see them in prime time and a lot of their contributions get manipulated to push agendas over news, but there are…

Putin Baby (Cartoon, Column and Video)

Even though other conservatives have stopped publicly cheering for Vladimir Putin and Russia, or at least most of them, Tucker is still pushing Putin’s propaganda. Even Donald Trump sees that public praise for Russia is a political liability, and it mu…

Is “Never Again” Even Relevant Anymore?

by Mike Fuqua One of the most consistent sayings, or thoughts, or determinations that emerged out of the Holocaust in WWII was the term “Never Again”. Who hasn’t heard it? It was all about the world’s people and governments never again allowing such a …

Rebirthing the Republican Party

The Republican Party has an illustrious history. The party was formed in 1854 for a single purpose: to abolish slavery. In 1860 Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln, arguably our greatest President, whose single-minded determination kept the North in …