City life is no fairy tale

After years of waiting, Bangkok voters will go to the much-anticipated gubernatorial election on May 22 to pick one of 17 candidates to tackle a myriad of problems the capital has been facing. These candidates have started banging the drums of their el…

Food processors urge tariff waiver on metals

Food processors urge tariff waiver on metals Prices for tin, steel up more than 80% Thai food processors and the Thai Chamber of Commerce have called for an extension of anti-dumping (AD) duty waivers on tin plate and tin-free steel, used widely in can…

Depa forms alliance to drive 5G adoption

The Digital Economy Promotion Agency (Depa) and the Telecommunications Association of Thailand have signed an agreement to accelerate the spread and usage of 5G across as many business sectors as possible. The memorandum of understanding on cooperation…

Survey: Consumer confidence rallying

Survey: Consumer confidence rallying Research firm sees positives for housing A consumer confidence survey showed a large uptick in March from December 2021, with one possible outcome an increase in housing demand going forward, according to property r…

The Fed takes the red pill

The Fed takes the red pill US central bank finally realises inflation isn’t going away, but can it stop the surge in time? By Sonal Desai The US Federal Reserve has finally acknowledged the reality of the inflation problem. The uncertainty raised by th…