Google on Thursday said it has stopped allowing reviews to be added to its online Maps service in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine to prevent them from being used for war news. Travel platform Tripadvisor, meanwhile, was blocking reviews for restaurants, ho…
Is 5G truly green, or will it burn up more resources?
The tech industry has long tried to align with the green movement, though its leaders are often accused of spouting nebulous slogans and making hard-to-test pledges. The Mobile World Congress, an industry get-together in Barcelona, certainly saw some s…
MWC 2022 highlights: From the metaverse to smartphones, PCs and Wi-Fi
At Mobile World Congress, which closes Thursday, March 3, 2022, there was once again plenty of technological innovation on display in the aisles of the Barcelona trade show, spanning the metaverse, record fast-charging and Wi-Fi 7. The metaverse accord…
Anonymous uses social media to get users involved in a campaign to help Ukraine
The international hacktivist collective and movement Anonymous has declared war on Vladimir Putin since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. One of the goals of Anonymous is to make the Russian population aware that there is a real war goi…
Brussels’ cycling initiatives are changing mobility in the city
Initiatives introduced in recent years in Brussels are bearing fruit. A growing number of people in the Belgian capital are swapping use of their cars for public transport. And that’s just the beginning, as a new low-traffic zone is set to be inaugurat…
Ford unveils new structure as it speeds electric car push
Ford announced Wednesday it is creating separate businesses for its conventional and electric-auto operations, as it accelerates its build-out of emission-free vehicles. The conventional internal combustion operations will be known as “Ford Blue,” whil…
Cryptocurrency fundraising for Ukraine donations reaches 25 million dollars
In times of crisis, campaigns for donations are commonplace. And the humanitarian crisis resulting from the current war is no exception as a cause. But what is different in this case is the prominent role being played by cryptocurrencies, which are win…
Videos of the exploded remains of a Lamborghini to be sold as NFTs
An unconventional art project has just seen an artist blow up a Lamborghini Huracan and then collected 999 more or less burnt pieces. After filming them one by one, he decided to put these little video clips up for auction in the form of NFTs. For the …
UN climate report: country impacts
From cities and small islands threatened by rising seas, to regions facing extreme drought and deadly heatwaves, climate change threatens every part of the planet, the UN warned on Monday. Here are 10 key climate change threats and how they will hit va…
Champagne is popular in Japan, but the country’s wineries are looking to produce fine local fizz
Japan is vying to produce some of the world’s best sparkling wines. For the first time ever, the latest Champagne & Sparkling Wine World Championships (CSWWC) — which crowns the world’s finest bottles of fizz — received entries from the Japanese arch…