By Matt Audilet With March right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about seeding for this year’s NCAA Tournament. Heading into a packed Saturday of college basketball action, here are the top-16 overall seeds, per CBS Sports. GonzagaAuburnArizonaKansasBaylorKentuckyPurdueDukeVillanovaTexas TechTennesseeIllinoisWisconsinUCLAProvidenceTexasHere’s what the bracket would look like split by region: WEST GonzagaDukeIllinoisTexasMIDWEST AuburnPurdueTexas TechUCLAEAST KansasKentuckyVillanovaWisconsinSOUTH ArizonaBaylorTennesseeProvidenceThere are some consequential matchups for quite a fe…