Hosts Finland want Russia and Belarus banned from this year’s ice hockey world championships and all other international games in connection with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. A statement quoted Finnish ice hockey chief Harri Nummela as telling the pre…
Wirtschaftsministerium plant Aufbau einer Gasreserve
Als Reaktion auf Probleme im Winter und den Ukraine-Krieg plant Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck den Aufbau einer nationalen Gasreserve. Damit soll sichergestellt sein, dass die Gasspeicher immer ausreichend befüllt sind, wie aus Eckpunkten für …
フジ関ジャニ∞冠バラエティ、25時台へ 『あとはご自由に』5月スタート
Lavrov cancels trip to Geneva for UN meeting
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has cancelled a trip to Geneva, where he was scheduled to attend a sitting of the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday. The decision was “due to an unprecedented ban on his flight in the airspace of a number of EU c…
中国「共産党は人権尊重」 国連で外相がビデオ演説
米国株、ダウ反落で始まる ロシアへの制裁強化で経済に懸念 (日本経済新聞)
NY株、3万3652.49ドル (共同通信)
Russia hikes rates, introduces capital controls as sanctions bite
(Reuters) -Russia’s central bank more than doubled its key policy rate on Monday and introduced some capital controls as the country faced deepening economic isolation, but its governor said sanctions had stopped it selling foreign currency to prop up …
トヨタ 3月1日に国内全工場の稼働停止へ 取引先にサイバー攻撃か