Lebanese intelligence has dismantled the “largest” Israeli espionage network operating in the country, a local media outlet reported on Monday. The Internal Security Forces’ information branch uncovered over 15 Israeli spy networks working independentl…
2/1 2:26~2:55 [BSテレ東(Ch.171)]
Pink Panther cometh
SPORTING CHANCE – Joaquin M. Henson – The Philippine Star February 1, 2022 | 12:00am The Philippines’ advance to the FIFA Women’s World Cup was phenomenal as it was historic. The national team had never qualified to play in the FIFA World Cup, either m…
変革のカギとなる「抵抗勢力」のマネジメントを学ぶ (ダイヤモンド・オンライン)
ロンドン株31日 小幅続落 鉱業株や医薬品株に売り (日本経済新聞)
Car buyers still going monochrome, despite move to ‘greener’ vehicles
Greys, blacks and whites are still the most popular new car colours in Britain and Germany, where “greener” forms of propulsion have not dislodged monochromatic hues. Amid another year of tumultuous global events, British drivers doubled down on their …
Young midfielder Wanner extends Bayern Munich contract
Bayern Munich have agreed a new contract with midfield talent Paul Wanner, the Bundesliga record champions said Monday. Wanner, 16, made his debut earlier this month against Borussia Mönchengladbach in a 2-1 defeat after coronavirus infections decimate…
米当局、モデルナ製ワクチンを正式承認 (日本経済新聞)