[31日 ロイター] – 週明けロンドン株式市場はほぼ横ばいで 取引を終えた。製薬株や商品関連株が下落し、銀行株の上昇を相殺した 。月間ではFTSE100種は1.08%上昇し、2カ月連続 でプラスとなった。 31日は、スイスの商品取引・資源大手グレンコア、英資 源大手アングロ・アメリカン、リオ・ティント……
Dingyadi Commends AMAC For Donating Operational Vehicles to Police
The Minister of Police Affairs, Dr. Muhammad Maigari Dingyadi has commended the Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) for donating 30 operational vehicles to the Police Divisions and Area Command in AMAC, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.He gave the comm…
England plans to revoke mandatory COVID jabs for health workers
LONDON (Reuters) – The British government said on Monday it planned to revoke mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for health workers in England after warnings that an already-stretched service could face crippling staff shortages. Health minister Sajid Jav…
N.J. weather: Did forecasters accurately predict the snowfall totals in weekend blizzard? Check out these maps.
Sometimes snowstorm forecasts don’t pan out, and the public is quick to aim its anger at the National Weather Service and other weather forecasters. In the case of the weekend nor’easter that turned into an actual blizzard in some parts of New Jersey —…
Why are there applications in the App Store that aren’t listed but can be downloaded?
Apple has, for the first time, decided to offer unlisted applications for download in the App Store, accessible from a dedicated URL. Usually, to find and install an application from the App Store, you just have to type its name in the search bar and d…
VIDEO of RAILA ODINGA being heckled badly while waving at trees in Murang’a– SK MACHARIA and MUNGA will not like this
31st of January, 2022 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga was heckled badly in Murang’a County immediately before addressing a crowd at Ihura Stadium on Saturday, according to a video. Raila Odinga is seen waving to an empty crowd while slogans from t…
Hoboken man arrested again on package theft charges: police
A Hoboken man was arrested for the second time in less than two weeks and again charged with stealing packages from city residential buildings, authorities said. Peter Perez, 42, was taken into custody at 5:20 p.m. on Jan. 26 after police received a re…
SABINA CHEGE responds to a viral photo where she was spotted crying during RAILA‘s meeting in Murang’a.
31st of January, 2022 – Sabina Chege, a Murang’a County woman representative, has responded to a viral photo of her crying at former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s Azimio La Umoja rally at Ihura Stadium in Murang’a county on Saturday. Sabina, who is one…
ビットコイン、月間で大幅安-1月として2018年以降で最大の下げ (Bloomberg.co.jp)
暗号資産(仮想通貨)ビットコインは厳しい月を締めくくろうとしている。1月としては、仮想通貨が急落した2018年以降で最大の下落率となる見通しだ。 ブルームバーグがまとめたデータによると、今月に入ってビットコインが上昇した日は合計11日のみ(30日時点)。取引日の約65%は下落したことになる。……
日銀はFRBより早くバランスシート縮小へ、危うい日本株と物価の先行き (ダイヤモンド・オンライン)
日本株は、米国株に劣後する展開が続いているが、日銀が金融緩和を縮小することで、今年前半には日本株が一段と出遅れるリスクが生じている Photo:PIXTA コロナオペも社債買入れも終了へ マネタリーベースは縮小に転換 日本銀行は、金融緩和の縮小へと明確に舵を切っている。2021年12月の金融政策決定……