Maharashtra: Tourism dept to soon bring policy for homestay and vacation homes
The Maharashtra government’s department of tourism (DoT) is expected to issue policies for homestays and vacation houses in the near future. That is, if someone has a large home and wants to rent it to a tourist, they can simply do so. According to a s…
EU: Förderung fossiler Brennstoffe behindert Klimawende
Steuervorteile und Subventionen für fossile Brennstoffe behindern nach Ansichten von EU-Experten die Klimawende in der Europäischen Union. Teils werden verschmutzende Energien wie Kohle in der EU niedriger besteuert als klimaeffiziente Alternativen, wi…
会社に内緒の副業。バイト先で怪我をしたら、労災は下りるのか? (ダイヤモンド・オンライン)
写真はイメージです Photo:PIXTA 勤め先の会社に黙って、インストラクターのバイトを始めたスポーツマン。しかしバイト先で大けがをしてしまい、入院することに……。この場合、労災は下りるのでしょうか?2020年9月の法改正を踏まえて解説します。(社会保険労務士 木村政美) 体育大学を卒業、地元の……
“Don’t be me” Tonto Dikeh advices fans as she reveals mistake she made when in love
Tonto Dikeh is advising her followers to learn from a mistake she made while in love. The actress wrote on Instagram: “One of the most toxic things I have ever done is ignore the bad in someone because I love them.” She added: “Don’t be me.” \
Anthony Joshua accused of agreed after late $5m demand to step aside for Tyson Fury vs Oleksandr Usyk
According to promoter Frank Warren, Tyson Fury has accused Anthony Joshua of being “greedy” after discussions for Joshua to step aside to allow Fury to fight Oleksandr Usyk fell through. Joshua had requested an additional $5 million on top of the multi…
仏ロ首脳がウクライナ巡り再び電話会談、対面方式での会談検討へ (ロイター)
[モスクワ 31日 ロイター] – ロシア大統領府は31日、プーチン大統領がウクライナ問題を巡り、フランスのマクロン大統領と再び電話会談したと明らかにした。ロシア大統領府の声明によると、両首脳はロシアが提案している安全保障についても協議。対面方式での会談の実施を検討することでも合意した。……
EFCC charges Okorocha with N2.9 billion fraud
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has accused Rochas Okorocha, the former governor of Imo State and senator representing Imo West senatorial district, with a N2.9 billion fraud. He is accused of stealing N2.9 billion from government coffers …
コロナ対応 県指導に基づき対策 米子市長、知事発言に困惑 (山陰中央新聞)
感染予防策と経済対策を両立させる必要性を説く伊木隆司市長=米子市加茂町2丁目、市役所 米子市の新型コロナウイルス対応を批判する平井伸治鳥取県知事の発言を受け、伊木隆司市長が31日、山陰中央新報社の取材に応じ「県の指導に基づいた対策を講じている」と説明した。 (田淵浩平) 県米子保健所と……
Former Chelsea boss, Frank Lampard confirmed as Everton’s new manager on a two-and-a-half year contract
Everton has hired Frank Lampard as their new manager on a two-and-a-half-year deal to replace Rafael Benitez, who was fired. “It is a big pleasure for me to represent and manage a club the size and tradition of Everton Football Club,” Lampard said afte…