It is quite rare to find users who throw their old smartphones directly into the trash. Most people resell them to the last or keep them as a keepsake. But some devices still end up in landfills and pollute the environment. How to avoid it? Very simple. Here are some practical tips for you how to use old phoneso that it doesn’t go to waste. You will see: even outdated mobile phones can be useful not only to you, but also to someone else. We figure out how you can adapt the old device to good use.
Here are some life hacks for using your old phone.
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Spare mobile phone

You can store important data on a spare phone. Just in case
Like it or not, but time shows that progress is not so good, and analog technologies are still the most reliable and will not let you down in difficult situations. And it’s not even about the fact that in Russia at one moment smartphones can be turned off, there are other unpleasant situations: you can lose your phone or break it. We once talked about the fact that a spare phone helps out when traveling, so take the “old man” with you on a trip – just in case.
Besides, old phone, be it a mobile phone or an outdated smartphone, it is also a full-fledged entertainment center: remember how many cool games there were before? In general, smartphones change almost every month, but old phones are always a treasure trove.
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Navigator on the phone without the Internet

You can download maps to your smartphone and use them offline
Many motorists still own cars without a built-in multimedia system. This does not mean that the car is bad, but you can use a smartphone as the same navigator. True, using the main phone while driving is not so safe and not very convenient: you have to turn off the navigation maps, get your smartphone out of the holder. Here’s a life hack for you: the second phone can be set as a navigator.
And if you upload all the maps of the area there, then you don’t even need to spend traffic. In addition, an old phone with a navigator can be safely connected to the charger and not worry about the safety of the battery. I’m already silent about the fact that you can download music there, which has become so scarce due to the departure of streaming services, and broadcast it via Bluetooth or AUX.
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Where to donate your old phone
If you really have nowhere to put your old phone, and you don’t really want to litter the planet or a desk drawer, then trade it in. Previously, Russian retailers bought up old smartphones for further processing, but now they are aiming for resale. The conditional “Svyaznoy” accepts old devices and resells them, putting them in order. If the phone is no longer “resurrect”, then the seller turns to a company that recycles devices.

An old phone can always be recycled or resold.
And this is a good idea: other sellers of household appliances are also interested in the project. Thus, the company remains afloat and extends the life of old, but working devices. And this approach also helps us find good devices for sale that have long been discontinued. At the end of last year, the number of devices sold exceeded 7.5 million units, and the sellers themselves note that every Russian has, on average, 2 devices that can be safely resold.
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How to flash a phone

You can always reflash old smartphones to get new features
Another reason not to throw your phone in the trash is to start experimenting with it. If everything is more difficult with the iPhone and the current version of iOS (only smartphones with iOS 14.4 and later can be jailbroken), then with Android builds everything is much simpler. On the forum you can always find custom versions of the OS that can be installed according to special instructions.
Get a lot of new features, an unusual interface and a completely new user experience. The advantage of such a smartphone is that it is not a pity for experiments. As a last resort, you can always install beta versions of apps on your old device to help developers update them.
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Smartphone as a router

We distribute the Internet from the old phone so as not to plant a new one
Home Internet is convenient, but what about those who are constantly on the road? It’s good to have a separate device at hand that can be used as a router. It is enough to connect it to a power source and turn on the distribution of the Internet – and here all the conveniences are with you again. The main thing – do not forget to put your smartphone closer to the window and do not move it once again so that the connection does not disappear.
And you can also use an old phone as an e-reader, especially if the device has a large screen: keep it at home or take it with you on trips. You just need to choose a reading application that is more convenient to use – and now the smartphone has a second life.
What do you do with old phones? Share in the comments!
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