
IT House April 11 news, Sensor Tower today announced the world’s most popular mobile application download TOP10 in March 2022,TikTok & Douyin No.1.

In March 2022, Douyin and its overseas version TikTokover 63 millionIn terms of downloads, it ranked first in the global mobile application (non-game) download list, an increase of 9.1% compared with March 2021. Among them, the download volume of Douyin accounted for 11.2%, and the download volume of TikTok in the US market accounted for 10.7%.

Facebook came in second with more than 56.8 million downloads, up 6 percent from March last year. India is its largest market for downloads, with 26%, followed by the US with 7.7%.

The other three apps in the top five are Instagram, WhatsApp and Telegram.

IT House has learned that the top 5 downloads of the world’s most popular mobile apps in February 2022 are TikTok & Douyin, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and Shopee.

Sensor Tower’s previously released global mobile application revenue report shows that in February 2022, Douyin and overseas versions of TikTok have attracted more than 258 million US dollars (about 1.631 billion yuan) in the global App Store and Google Play, which is twice the same period last year.

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