
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the series, its producer Tetsuya Nomura has unveiled the first trailer for the sequel to the Kingdom Hearts saga.

Yesterday marked 20 years of Kingdom Hearts and Square Enix celebrated the occasion to great fanfare with a trailer that revealed not one, but two new games of the series, including the highly anticipated Kingdom Hearts IV.

What to expect from this sequel?

For the time being, little information has been revealed. No release date or platform planned, and the trailer is, as usual for the series, very evasive. However, we discover a Sora looking older, and beautifully represented by the graphics capabilities of the next-gen.

© Square Enix

The more the years pass, the more the games Kingdom Hearts are similar to the graphics offered by the cutscenes of the first games, to the delight of fans of the series.

The trailer also reveals the name of the game’s new story arc, the Lost Master Arc (the Arc of the Lost Master) which will pick up where Kingdom Hearts III had left players searching for more and more answers.

Sora then finds himself immersed in Quadratuma modern world that is reminiscent of the environments of the ancestor of Final Fantasy XV : Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and it is voluntary! But to learn more without spoiling, you will have to play the third episode of the series Kingdom Hearts.

Screenshot from the Kingdom Hearts 4 trailer showing Sora running towards a giant Heartless in the middle of a modern-looking city
© Square Enix

A forest world is also featured in this trailer, and some fans seem to have already recognized the planet of Endor from the Star Wars universe.

With its more realistic tunes, will this game be about Disney live action productions ? The idea of ​​finding Sora with a Keyblade lightsaber, or alongside the Avengers is in any case very exhilarating.

The classic Disney characters will not be left on the sidelines, however, since the end of the trailer shows us Donald and Goofy looking for Sorain what seems to be the Underworld of Hades that players have already been able to visit in the second episode of the saga.

What about mobile gaming?

© Square Enix

A new mobile game, Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link was also announced in this anniversary trailer. As its name suggests, the game intends to make the link between all the new narrative frameworks introduced in recent years between Kingdom Hearts III and various mobile games. The plot will take place in Scala Ad Caelum, a world discovered in the last episode of the series, and will feature Brain and the Master of Masterstwo key characters from another mobile game, Kingdom Hearts Union X.

With graphics similar to Kingdom Hearts IIIthe game seems ambitious, and offers phases of exploration in view of the top as well as combats in 3D, with the possibility of facing the terrible heartless in multiplayer up to six in the arena.

© Square Enix

Players will be able to discover this new story finally linking the elements of the past of the Kingdom Hearts universe during 2022. Note that the mobile game Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road telling the story of Master Xehanort will receive its final chapter in August 2022 to enable the release of Missing Link at the end of the year.

A multitude of collaborations for this celebration

One thing is certain, Square Enix wants to make an impression to celebrate the 20th anniversary of its series, and this also goes through number of collaborationseach one more surprising than the other.

Thus, fans will notably be able to find two Tamagotchi in the colors of the saga, which will allow you to take care of one of the characters of the series such as Sora, Riku, Kairi and many more.

On his side, Sony will offer for example a Kingdom Hearts walkman for a double dose of nostalgia. The visual of the portable cassette player has not yet been announced, but it is to be hoped that a cassette of the game’s music will be released along with the retro accessory.

The saga celebrates 20 long years as it should, but still seems to have long and beautiful days ahead of it.

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The post Kingdom Hearts IV: the sequel to the adventures of Sora officially announced appeared first on Gamingsym.