
IT House April 11 news, in the mixed office conference, Microsoft officially announced Windows 11 including enhanced phishing protection supported by Microsoft Defender Smart Screen, and tabs in File Explorer.

In addition to security improvements, Microsoft has alsoFile Explorer’s sidebar and fullscreen widgetsMade a new design.

In Windows 11, there’s a new feature called “Widgets” that has a dedicated button on the taskbar that opens the sidebar on the left side of the display and displays Microsoft news, weather, traffic, sports scores and other information.

In the current version, Windows 11 widgets can only be opened on the left side, covering only half of the screen.And in later designs, widgets will supportfull-screen display, which is convenient for touch screen users. also,Microsoft also confirms that it will open third-party widgetsmore widgets may be added in the coming months.

In addition, users can alsoSwitch between work and personal accounts. If using a personal account, users will see information from OneDrive, Xbox, and more. If using a work or school account, you will get updates related to your organization.

IT House previously reported that in addition to widgets, Windows 11’s File Explorer will receive a series of enhancements, one of the main changes being the support tab.Additionally, Microsoft confirmed that it is working on a file explorernew sidebarwill be based on the design principles of WinUI.

File Explorer will alsoImprove dark modeto better match the overall look of Windows 11.

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