
Beijing time on April 11 news, a recent video on the Internet shows that a driverless car of Cruise, a self-driving company owned by General Motors, was stopped by police in San Francisco. Police found that the self-driving car had no driver.

The video, released on April 1, shows the Cruise driverless car initially parked on the side of the road, stopping when a police officer approaches the driver’s side,Self-driving car accelerates through an intersection, then stops on the road. “Right? How did this happen?” a passerby shouted in the video.

Cruise driverless car

Cruise said Sunday that the car performed as expected. “Our self-driving car gave way to the police car, then pulled over to the nearest safe place as originally planned. An officer contacted Cruise staff, but no subpoena was issued. ” Cruise said.

Cruise also revealed that the San Francisco Police Department has a dedicated phone number that officers can call whenever the company’s driverless cars are pulled over. The San Francisco Police Department has yet to comment.

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