
With yesterday’s announcement of “Kingdom Hearts 4”, another part of the big Geforce Now leaks from last year came true. This suggests that the official announcement of the “Final Fantasy IX” remake should only be a matter of time.

A major leak reached us last summer. In the course of the whole thing, numerous previously unannounced projects could be found in the Geforce Now databases.

Even if those responsible at Nvidia immediately tried to limit the damage and pointed out that the list of games was only created for internal purposes, various projects that were represented in the leak have been announced in recent months. Especially with the Japanese publisher Square Enix, all the information in the leaks seemed to be true – including the implementation of the “Final Fantasy VII” remake for the PC or the remaster of “Chrono Cross”.

Another title that made the list was officially announced yesterday, Sunday: Kingdom Hearts 4. In principle, only the remake of “Final Fantasy IX” is missing.

Developers would love to bring Final Fantasy IX back

Since the leak of “Kingdom Hearts 4” has also come true, there is now speculation that the remake of “Final Fantasy IX” is next in line and could be about to be unveiled. An official statement or even confirmation is still pending, but recently there seemed to be increasing evidence that Square Enix still has plans for “Final Fantasy IX”.

More news on the topic:

For example, an animated series based on “Final Fantasy IX” was announced last year, which is being created in cooperation with Cyber ​​Group Studios and is aimed at a rather younger audience. An interview with Kazuhiko Aoki, the event designer of “Final Fantasy IX”, which was conducted last November, also provided a topic of conversation. Here, Aoki hinted that fans of the role-playing classic can look forward to “exciting news” sooner or later. It remains to be seen whether this means the possible remake.

Final Fantasy IX was originally released for the original PlayStation in 2000. In the years that followed, implementations for other platforms such as the PC or newer consoles followed.

Source: Videogames Chronicle

More Final Fantasy IX news.

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