
According to the “Elephant News” report, on April 11, Hunan netizen Mr. Huang said that he was maliciously abused by the platform’s HR when he was applying for a job directly from BOSS.

Mr. Huang said he was a senior at Hunan Technology and Business University. As he was approaching graduation, he had been looking for a job on the online platform since March.

March 26,He communicated online with Mao, the HR of “Linghang Zhongshi International” company, but to Mr. Huang’s surprise, Mao’s attitude towards him was very bad.

According to the chat records provided by Mr. Huang, after learning that Mr. Huang’s school was “Hunan Technology and Business University”, Mao, whose avatar was “Director of Personnel”, sent messages to Mr. Wang several times to satirize Mr. Wang, believing that Mr. The school is “unreliable”.

He also stated that his company is the training base for Mr. Huang’s school. After being refuted by Mr. Huang, he replied directly, “Trash is trash after all.”

Mr. Huang said, “I still don’t understand why the other party is insulting me.” The position he applied for was shown as a telephone customer service, requiring a college degree, unlimited experience, and a salary between 8,000-13,000 yuan.

Mr. Huang believes that his conditions are also in line with the recruitment requirements of the other party. “It may be that I replied to refute some of his words, so I have such great malice towards me.”

After the incident, Mr. Huang complained and reported on the BOSS direct employment platform.At present, on the page of the BOSS direct recruitment platform, the HR position displays “Stop Recruitment”.

Mr. Huang also told reporters that the official customer service of the platform called him to apologize and closed the HR position. Mr. Huang said, “I hope that employers will no longer be mixed with personal emotions. This is also a kind of respect for candidates.”

College students' online job search is rubbish because the school is scolded by HR!The platform responds

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Responsible editor: Ruofengarticle error correction

Hashtags: job hunting recruitment HR

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