
Today on Monday, after the opening of the A-share market, it was not too friendly for many investors, especially the recent hot real estate sector, which collectively fell by the limit. In early trading today, real estate stocks fell by the limit, and more than 10 stocks such as Special Development Services, Chongqing Development, China Wuyi, Qixia Construction, and China Fortune Landmark fell by the limit. For many ordinary investors, they are basically losing money. CITIC Securities Research Report believes that the three bottoms of real estate—policy bottoms, sales bottoms, and investment bottoms always appear in sequence. The policy has been clarified at the end of the fourth quarter of last year. Since March, the favorable policies of city-specific policies have accelerated. Combined with the past rules, the recovery of sales is not far away. The growth rate of commercial housing sales in the second quarter may bottom out and pick up, but the bottom of investment still needs to wait. , real estate stocks still have room to rise. In addition to the real estate sector, the new energy sector led by the Ningde era is not very good, falling more than 7%, and Maotai fell more than 4%. On the morning of April 11, the staff of the publicity department of Ningde City told the reporter of Yinshi Finance that there has been an individual epidemic situation in Ningde recently. The government temporarily upgraded the epidemic prevention and control measures. The company attached great importance to it and strengthened communication with relevant government departments as soon as possible. , At present, in order to maximize the guarantee of market supply, the company strictly adopts grid management measures to ensure that the Ningde base is orderly.
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