
For many friends, April is a happy month. In addition to the grass growing and the warbler flying and the spring returning to the earth, April this year can also catch up with two holidays. The Qingming holiday has just ended, and the May Day holiday is coming again.

According to the latest holiday arrangement notice from the General Office of the State Council, there will be a 5-day holiday on May 1, 2022. The specific arrangements are as follows:

From April 30th to May 4th, there will be a total of 5 days off. We will work on April 24th (Sunday) and May 7th (Saturday).

In addition, according to the “Implementation Plan for Exemption of Tolls for Small Passenger Cars on Major Holidays”, on the four national statutory holidays of Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, Labor Day and National Day, small passenger cars with 7 seats or less enjoy the high-speed free toll policy.

The 2022 holiday schedule formulated by the State Council is from 0:00 on April 30th to 24:00 on May 4th, with a total of 5 days of free high-speed.Free models include 7-seater and below passenger vehicles, including motorcycles that are allowed on ordinary toll roads.

The May Day holiday is here!The five-day vacation is free of charge and the expressway needs to be adjusted for two days.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Ruofengarticle error correction

Hashtags: high-speed holiday May 1st

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