
Recently, in Tianchang City, Anhui Province, a middle-aged man passed out the driving test subject one.

In the video,The man was operating on the autograph machine and suddenly sat back down. Fortunately, two people around him quickly grabbed him and helped him to the seat next to him.

But he was still unconscious, and was then carried away by medical staff on a stretcher and sent to the hospital for treatment.



Is this kind of mental quality suitable for the road? !

Ke Yi is so nervous, what are the next few subjects doing?

The psychological quality of the college entrance examination is still very strong, after all, it is already numb

The reason for the man’s fainting is unclear, as there has been precedent for this before. Everyone still needs to calm down. If subject one is all tense, then how can subjects two and three get on the train and take the test?

Xiaoxiang Morning News reported that in June last year, a woman had a stomach problem herself. She was a little nervous when she took the exam for the first subject. In addition, she didn’t eat breakfast in the morning. The stomach problem caused low blood sugar. Fall, but take a break and you’ll be fine.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

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Hashtag: Men’s Subject One Driving Test

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