
Phoenix Legend’s cover of “The Lonely Brave” rushed to No. 1 on the chart. Netizens: Square dance limited new song reservations

On the afternoon of April 8, Phoenix Legend released the cover of “The Lonely Brave”, which rushed to the first place in the rankings of station B. Netizens sighed: You can always believe in the legend of Phoenix.

In this cover, Linghua is still the lead singer, and she is already very good in treble, and it is easy to control this song. And Zeng Yi also has more presence in backing vocals, and the harmony of the two is a perfect match.

Netizen comments: The original version sounds like a kind of excitement.This version shows the struggle and tragic side. The excitement for the destruction of the old mechanism and the sympathy for the bloodshed and sacrifice when fighting for a new order are all contained in the emotion of the song. It is worthy of the legend of the Phoenix.[支持]

Zeng Yi’s voice was like a demon king who could stand up again after experiencing thousands of hammers and blows.

It is understood that “The Lonely Brave” is the Chinese theme song of the game “League of Legends” derivative animation “League of Legends: Battle of the Two Cities”. It was written by Tang Tian, ​​composed by Qian Lei and sung by Eason Chan. Released in the form of a song.

Today, “The Lonely Brave” has become popular on elementary school campuses, and almost every elementary school student can hum it. Now, after the Phoenix Legend cover, will it become a new square dance song? We will wait and see.

Song address:Click here.

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Hashtag: Phoenix Legend Lonely Brave Cover

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