
On April 9, local time, the American “SpaceX Crew Dragon” commercial spacecraft carrying the first full civilian crew has arrived at the International Space Station. The rocket, called the AX-1 mission, was launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on the morning of the 8th. After reaching orbit, the spacecraft flew freely close to the ISS for about 20 hours before reaching the ISS. In addition to former NASA astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria, the passengers who took part in the space trip included American Larry Connor and Canadian Mark Passey. and Israeli Irtan Stibby. The three passengers are each paying $55 million for the trip. It was the first space mission with an entirely civilian crew to fly to the International Space Station. NASA said the passengers will complete a series of programs including scientific research and commercial activities on the space station. On April 19, they will touch down off the coast of Florida. .
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