Thank you IT home netizens MissBook The clue is delivered!

IT House news on April 9, the information shows that recently, CCTV International Network Co., Ltd. and Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd. have released legal documents on copyright ownership and infringement disputes.

According to the document, the plaintiff CCTV sued that the defendant Baidu, without authorization, provided the public with the live broadcast service of the “2020 Spring Festival Gala of China Central Radio and Television Station” in the software “Haohao Video” operated by it. The defendant argued that the alleged infringement in this case was a commercial cooperation with “CCTV”, one of the rights holders of the work involved, and there was no infringement problem.

The court found out that the playing process of the work involved in the case was carried out in “Good-looking Video” and did not jump to a third-party platform, so it could not prove that the work involved was provided by a third party. Baidu Company provided network real-time broadcast even though it knew that unauthorized network transmission of the work involved was prohibited, which constituted infringement. In the end, the court ruled that the defendant Baidu Company should compensate the plaintiff CCTV Company for economic losses of 500,000 yuan.

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