
Crystal Dynamics recently announced that its new “Tomb Raider” game is in development, and Rhianna Pratchett, the screenwriter of the “Tomb Raider” reboot trilogy series, expressed that she hoped that Lara’s father would be less involved in the new work. In an interview with Eruogamer, Pratchett confirmed that he wasn’t involved in the development of the new Tomb Raider game, but was excited to see what they would let Lara do. “We had a really fun time building her character and image, and I hope there’s less of a problem with her father in the new work.” She continued, “I love seeing her struggle and really learn from her. Have fun in what she does, because when we wrote the reboot, she was really on her way to being ‘Tomb Raider.’ He’s ‘Tomb Raider’ itself, and it’s all about Tomb Raider Traits such as tenacity, bravery, and resourcefulness will come with her.” .
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