
Russia does not have a good week to try to be humane and care about humanity. They were expelled from the UN Human Rights Council, bombed a lot of civilians and now they throw out the organizations Human Rights Watch, Amnesty and 13 other organizations.

In a statement, Rachel Denber of Human Rights Watch said.

“The Russian government has already made it very clear that it has no use of facts regarding the protection of civilians in Ukraine. This is just another small proof of that.”

Amnesty Secretary General Agnès Callamard says here.

“In a country where scores of activists and dissidents have been imprisoned, killed or exiled, where independent media has been smeared, blocked or forced to self-censor, and where civil society organizations have been outlawed or liquidated, you must be doing something right if the Kremlin tries to shut you up. “


Society, Politics,

Russia, Ukraine, amnesty



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