
IT House news on April 9, generally speaking, due to problems such as hardware aging and file fragmentation, the mobile phone will become stuck after a certain number of years, and the operation will not run smoothly.

Huawei recently opened a “System cloud refurbishment“Experience officer recruitment, announced the upcoming launch of the “System Cloud Refurbishment” function, throughCloud backup data, restore factory settings, cloud data recoverythree steps to organize fragmented files on your phone.

IT Home understands that the registration time for this experience is April 6 to April 15will conduct offline face-to-face interviews in Shenzhen, Wuhan and Xi’an.

The problem of file fragmentation is one of the key problems that cause the mobile phone to become slower and slower. When the mobile phone runs for a long time, many small cached files, such as pictures, small videos, and expressions, will be generated. Combined with the user’s deletion of pictures and video files, the storage space will be fragmented and the speed of accessing files will decrease. At the same time, when the mobile phone is in use, it is necessary to frequently save and delete files, such as selecting photos when taking pictures, resulting in fragmentation of the storage space.

In fact, as early as 2015, Huawei Mate 8 was launched Android The system’s file defragmentation function.Officially known as thenight leisure time, perform fragmentation detection on the phone, and start fragmentation. It can improve performance by up to 30% on mobile phones with a high degree of fragmentation.

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