
IT House reported on April 9th, the Douyin Security Center issued an announcement today. Under the guidance of the Cyberspace Administration of China, Douyin has paid close attention to information related to the prevention and control of the epidemic in Shanghai, and has formed a special team to deal with related issues during this period.Internet violence, rumors, hot spotsConduct in-depth investigation and clean-up of illegal behaviors and speeches, strengthen inspections and disposals with the help of technical and manual means, and maintain the order of online communication.

As of 24:00 on April 8,A total of 2,125 pieces of bad information were intercepted and cleaned up, and 24 accounts were disposed of.

The platform focuses on governance and combat work from the following dimensions, as follows:

From the perspective of preventing cyber violence, strictly investigate the involvement of the Shanghai epidemicGeographical discrimination, personal attacks, inappropriate searches, incitement to oppositionTo protect the parties from harassment by informing users to set up private accounts, close private messages, comment permissions, and block accounts for inappropriate speeches, etc. Recently, the platform has timely protected the parties involved in incidents with risk of cyber violence, such as “positive cases of Ning and Dang in Hangzhou”, to effectively prevent the parties from encountering the risk of cyber violence.

In terms of managing rumors, focus on false information concerning personal safety, individual or collective confirmed cases in the Shanghai epidemic; false information on prevention and control policies in various regions during the epidemic; false information on individual or collective requests for help during the epidemic, etc. Account and information investigation and verification,Actively carry out rumors in a timely manner. Recently, the platform has reviewed and dealt with 28 widely circulated and negatively affected rumors, such as “children isolated at Fengxian isolation point” and “Shanghai ‘Dabai’ went to work with a gun”. Monitor the re-emergence and spread of other rumor-like content.

Pay attention to behaviors in Shanghai epidemic, such as taking advantage of the epidemic, blog traffic, malicious marketing, and false posing, and control and combat such behaviors through the platform’s strict review mechanism, strategic model and technical means. Recently, the platform has seriously dealt with “epidemic prevention ladies” who create fake characters and deduce content based on the epidemic situation, and impose short-term to indefinite bans on relevant accounts depending on the degree.

IT Home understands that the Douyin Security Center calls on users to follow the principles of objective truth, speak rationally, and work with the platform to fight against the “epidemic” together with the platform to help win the battle against the “epidemic”.

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