
Against the backdrop of rising prices and the increased popularity of sites for the sale of used goods, experts from Roskachestvo gave some advice on buying used electronics. These tips will help you protect yourself from scammers and purchase a product that meets your expectations.

What to look for when searching for a product on bulletin boards?

Check the seller’s profile. If a user registered a few days ago, has no reviews and sells a gadget at a suspiciously low price, there is a high chance of stumbling upon a scammer. Read seller reviews.

Examine the photo of the product. It is desirable that the photos were “live”, that is, taken by the seller himself. If you see stock photos or a set of different photos from reviews, then it is likely that the seller does not have this device and is a scammer. If the photo does not show an important detail, ask for additional pictures to be taken and sent to you. Honest sellers will always go forward.

Request technical information about the gadget. For example, for Apple devices, this is the serial number and IMEI number. They can be checked against databases and make sure that the gadget being sold meets the declared characteristics. If something does not fit, this is a reason to refuse the purchase.

Study in advance what the desired device looks like. If you have no idea what a gadget is, it will be very easy for a fraudster to slip a Chinese fake or a similar model instead of the original.


Inspection of an electronic device is a painstaking and time-consuming task. If you are offered to inspect an expensive phone in a poorly lit entrance and are constantly in a hurry, this is a reason to be wary.

Ask the seller to fully charge the device and prepare it for use. If the seller brought a discharged tablet, you will not be able to fully check it. Check that previous accounts have been deleted. If the device has a receipt and the original box, this is an additional bonus – an almost complete guarantee that the gadget is not stolen.

Make a list of the items you need to check. Each type will have its own set. For a smartphone, this can be charging, GPS, Wi-Fi, SIM card slots, cameras, touchscreen. A skipped camera module may subsequently become inoperative.

Check the gadget visually. If the seller said that the laptop has never been repaired, and its solder joints are torn off, then you are being deceived. Any chips, backlashes, gaps should alert you.


Ask the seller to prepare the device in advance. For example, turn on the refrigerator or washing machine. With any device, you can perform a number of operations that can reveal deviations. An honest seller will meet you and allow you to test the device.

Visually check the equipment. Even a light viewing will allow you to identify cracks, chips, “glitches” in management, traces of repairs. If you find something suspicious, refuse to purchase. The device may be at the end of its useful life. If the device malfunctions during testing, do not assume that it will start working properly later.

Ask the seller for a check. So you can roughly determine how long the device has been in operation. All types of equipment have a different resource: if the device was purchased 10 years ago and was actively used, you run the risk of buying a device that will last for a month or two before the final breakdown.


The post How to buy smartphones and other electronics from your hands? Councils of Roskachestvo appeared first on Gamingsym.