Thank you IT home netizens ThinkBou The clue is delivered!

IT House April 9 news, iQIYI UWP is iQIYI specially designed for Windows 10 A user-built high-definition video entertainment client, last updated on April 27, 2021.

According to IT home netizens @ThinkBou The clues found, iQiyi UWP developers seem to have exposed pictures of the new interface of the software.

Under the WindowsAppSDK repository on the GitHub website, user kingcean submitted a Issues Discussion,iQIYI Preview There was an error when submitting to the Microsoft Store, and I posted a screenshot of the submission to get a solution.

As you can see from the figure below, the submitter is Beijing iQiyi Technology Co., Ltd., and the bug is reproduced using WinUI 3which means that iQIYI Preview has used WinUI 3.

After that, user kingcean posted two picturesScreenshots during developmentyou can see from the picture that the new iQIYI Preview main interface is very different from the current iQIYI UWP.

▼ iQIYI Preview development, debugging and running

iQIYI Preview development, debugging and running

▼ iQIYI Preview runs locally

iQIYI Preview runs locally

▼ Current iQIYI UWP

Current iQIYI UWP

Finally, user kingcean seems to have fixed the issue by updating the WindowsAppSDK version.

It is not clear when the new WinUI 3 version of iQIYI UWP will be launched. What do you think of this new interface?

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The post iQIYI UWP’s new WinUI 3 version is exposed: the software interface has changed greatly, adapting to the Win11 style appeared first on Gamingsym.