
IT House April 9 news, Google will finally add a new version of Chrome to the Windows version of the browserkeyboardShortcuts to rearrange tabsfunction.

This feature is already in Linux and macOS Available for years, it’s now expected to appear in Chrome for Windows.

In the latest update to Chrome Canary 102, dedicated shortcuts for moving tabs on the tab bar appeared.User can press Ctrl + Shift + Page Up/Down Move the current page to the left or right.

IT House learned that users could also use some shortcut keys before, such as pressing Ctrl + Page Up / Down to switch between tabs, Ctrl + W to close a page, or Ctrl + T to open a new page, and shortcuts to move tabs Keys are newly added.

In addition, Google is also working on other improvements and features for Chrome. For example, the Chrome browser will allow adding annotations to web pages and store those annotations in a dedicated sidebar. The latest Chrome Canary version already allows users to access web notes alongside bookmarks and reading lists.

Currently, Chrome remains the most popular browser with a market share of over 67%. Microsoft Edge is the closest competitor to Chrome in the desktop market, coming in behind with a 9.65 percent share.

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