
Relevant parties responded to rumors of Shaolin Temple’s entry into real estate: 452 million yuan to buy land has nothing to do with us malicious spread

On April 7, a piece of news about the Shaolin Temple went viral. According to the news from the Zhengzhou Public Resources Trading Center, Henan Tiesong Digital Technology Co., Ltd. won the right to use a plot of land in Zhengdong New District for 452 million yuan.

According to an enterprise query platform, the two major shareholders of Tiesong Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Tiesong Digital”) are Henan Tietou Comprehensive Development Co., Ltd. and Henan Yuanhan Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yuanhan”). Industry”), holding 51% and 49% of the shares respectively.

The equity path shows that Henan Shaolin Intangible Assets Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shaolin Intangible Assets”) holds 70% of Yuanhan Industrial. As a result, “Shaolin Temple is about to enter the real estate industry” aroused heated discussions on the Internet.

cover newsThe reporter contacted the publicity department of Shaolin Temple on this matter, and the other party said it was not convenient to respond to the matter for the time being. Master Shi Yongqian said: Nothing. Fu Huayang, a disciple of the abbot Shi Yongxin, told the cover news reporter: The statement about “Shaolin Temple’s entry into real estate” is pure speculation. The Zhengdong New District Management Committee said that if you know about this, please refer to the official announcement.

Fu Huayang explained: “This is also an absurd inference. Even if ‘Shaolin Intangible Assets Co., Ltd.’ participated in the equity of ‘Henan Yuanhan Industrial Co., Ltd.’, it doesn’t mean ‘Shaolin Temple’s investment’?I estimate that the most likely is the intervention of ‘Shaolin intangible assets’, working with investors to obtain the space to build a ‘Shaolin Cultural Experience Center’ in this project, to carry forward Shaolin culture and 1500 years of Buddhism and Zen in Shaolin Temple in the form of immersive art experience. The comprehensive cultural inheritance of martial arts, what does this have to do with ‘entering real estate’? It is purely malicious inferences and malicious dissemination by someone to attract attention. “

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Snowflakearticle error correction

Hashtag: Company Shaolin Temple Real Estate

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