
The five-day pixel party on the subreddit r / place ended this week and here you can check out a summary from it.

Place 2022 was a repetition of what began as an April Fool’s joke on r / place 2017. The whole thing is for reddit users to fill a canvas with pixels which can be used to form different motifs. Each user was only allowed to add one pixel of any color every five minutes. This utilized millions of Reddit users to create imaginative images that other users then painted over with their own creations.

Exactly how many Reddit users participated in Place 2022 is unclear. When it all started in 2017, more than 6 million users are said to have participated in the pixel party. In the clip above, you can check out some of what happened on Place 2022, which is also commented on by the YouTuber “2kliksphilip”.


Internet, Other,

reddit, pixels, pixel party, pixel war, place 2022, r / place

Thanks to felle

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